
Warehouse Management Solution

Location and Sequence management

  1. Location Sequence
  2. Zone Logic
  3. Fixed Location
  4. Random location
  5. First-in-first-out (FIFO)
  6. Last-in-first-out (LIFO)
  7. First - Expiry–first-out ( FEFO)
  8. Quantity or Unit-of-measure
  9. Reserved Locations
  10. Nearest Location
  11. Maximize Cube. 
  12. Consolidate
  13. Lot Sequence
  14. Warehouse 2D map

Location and Sequence management

  1. Contract management
  2. Automated Data Collection (ADC)
  3. Stock checking
  4. Activity-based costing/billing
  5. Integration with existing accounting/ERP systems
  6. Business Analytic
  7. Billing for group customer
  8. Report
Hotline : 0908329566

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